Health, Safety and Security in Hsc
Autor: aleksandrawby • March 6, 2017 • Study Guide • 588 Words (3 Pages) • 862 Views
Unit 3 – Health, safety and security in HSC
Assignment 1 Guide
P1 – Explain the potential hazards and the harm that may arise from each in a health and social care setting
Explaining the hazards means to state what the hazards are, what the harm is that might occur and how or why the hazards might cause harm.
This must be presented as a booklet.
You need to EXPLAIN the possible (potential) hazards that might arise for a specified service user group (for example, the elderly, young adults with learning disabilities, or pre-school children) when providing services for the selected group. It is better to base your work for P1 on a specific setting and its service users such as your work placement.
You need to have explained a minimum of 6 hazards (better to do more!). Ensure you have different types of hazards as well – relate it back to health, safety and security. You need to have related the possible hazards with abilities and limitations of the service user group. Think about the hazards to yourself (the care worker) as well.
For example (do not copy this in your assignment!): walking may be hazardous for both a toddler and an older person but for different reasons – the toddler has yet to learn coordination and an adult may have weakened muscles or less strength to stop themselves from falling.
P2 – Outline how legislation, policies and procedures relating to health, safety and security influence HSC settings
M1 – Describe how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promote the safety of individuals in HSC settings
Outline means to state what must or must not be done to comply with the various laws and regulations and to work within policies and procedures
Describe means to give a detailed account in words – the better the description you give the more likely you are to achieve a merit.