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Autor:   •  May 15, 2016  •  Essay  •  1,612 Words (7 Pages)  •  680 Views

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Bargaining conducted at sector level, as part of overall private sector industry settlement. The agreement provides a basic framework, built on by company`-level bargaining. Coverage is around 100%, with sectoral agreements influencing those small enterprises that are not member of the relevant employers’ organisation or have their own company agreement. (EurWORK, 2005)


Bargaining occurs solely at the level of individual steel plants (national bargaining within the former British Steel was abolished in the early 1980s). Such bargaining (and union recognition) exists in most of the large plants in the sector, especially those belonging to Corus, but not in many of the smaller plants. Bargaining coverage is estimated to be around two-thirds. (EurWORK, 2005)

The UK steel crisis continue to be a crucial problem for employees as more job cuts carry on throughout the UK.  European politicians have made endless promises to address the issue, the factors still remain China cheap imports prices, high energy costs and business rates and also the strength of the pound continue to increase. None of these factors are being addressed or collectively argued for by the government with the urgency that’s needed, nothing will change except more job losses for Britain’s steelworkers. Their Unions have voiced their dissatisfaction with the outcome of the meetings what were held with the council ministers and the European commission, it was said that they haven’t grasp the importance and urgency of the current situation. They came to no conclusion, no clear statement of intent. No talk of introducing trade defence instruments or introducing measures to protect European steel producers. Leaving the employed and unemployed steelworkers and their families unsettled.


Junior doctors of Britain are taking industrial action against the government’s plans on imposing new contracts, Unions have said the contracts new terms are less pay and anti-social working hours. Junior doctors say these new terms are not safe for both them and patients. The junior Doctors are furious about such terms, after enduring a 5 year pay freeze,  they are expected to accept a 30% pay cut for longer hours, also the financial penalty of trust that doctors receive for working weekends and nights is to be stopped because the government want to redefine Saturday as sociable hours of work. furthermore by removing financial penalties the amount of hours that a doctor works are not safeguarded, the possibility of reverting to 1980s were doctors were working up to 120hrs a week which put them and there patience’s health in danger. Junior doctors are suspicious that the new contract is a fast and effective way for the government to cause an exodus of doctors leaving NHS to pave the way to privatise the NHS resulting in a lucrative business for them. The junior doctors are the only ones fighting to keep the NHS public, without the help of the public their jobs and public healthcare is heading for further crisis. Health secretary Jeremy Hunt plans to force the contracts on all junior doctors.


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