Better Health Association Human Resources Department Control Plan
Autor: Lori Gordon • April 15, 2017 • Research Paper • 914 Words (4 Pages) • 1,956 Views
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Better Health Association Human Resources Department Control Plan
Lori Gordon
MGMT 312 – H3WW
Professor James Young
May 1, 2016
Better Health Association Human Resources Department Control Plan
Control is an important piece of the management process. I will implement control processes to ensure my tactical Human Resources plan is being followed, and any corrections needed are made, to stay on target with Better Health Association’s mission and vision.
Better Health Association Mission
To improve the well-being of individuals through health education, counseling and detection screening programs.
Better Health Association Vision
To be the premier provider of state-of-the art health services in the greater central Ohio region.
Strategic Goals for the Human Resources Department
As Director of the Human Resources Department, my strategic goals are to secure interns to support the director’s goals by program and event. I am to recruit and train agency volunteers to ensure the expansion of agency and director strategic/tactical goals. I also oversee all aspects of the hiring of any new staff person necessary for the success of agency goals. This includes: advertising, recruiting, screening and providing overall acclimation to the agency.
Control Process
Control in the management process is to ensure that your plan has succeeded and you are accomplishing the goals you established. “The four steps in the control process are (1) establish standards; (2) measure performance; (3) compare performance to standards; and (4) take corrective action, if necessary”. (Kinicki, 2013). Control standards are established to state the level of performance that is expected to reach our goals. Established performance standards makes it possible to measure performance. Did we reach our goals? Employee performance can now be compared to our established expectation of performance and deviations measured. “Most managers are delighted with performance that exceeds standards”, (Kinicki, 2013), but what if it does not? The control process includes taking corrective action. This is where measured performance may produce a promotion or bonus, or may get you “written up” or demoted. If performance is meeting established standards, no corrective action is needed.
Control Mechanisms for the Human Resources Department
In the Human Resources Department, I will use several control mechanisms. Organization control will be used in, “developing rules, guidelines, procedures, limits or other protocols for directing the work” (Ashe-Edmunds, 2016). This lets my employees know what is expected of them in their daily work. This keeps us all on track and heading in the same direction. I will use compliance controls, such as “drug testing for hiring, performance tests during training, performance evaluations to measure work productivity, and employee surveys to assess job satisfaction and leadership”, (Kinicki, 2013). Compliance controls can help eliminate lawsuits and workplace violations. They also assess job satisfaction which decreases employee turnover. I will also use financial control, which, “allows managers to determine whether their efforts are meeting annual goals, and prevents fraud and errors. These controls include requiring each department head to submit and monitor an annual budget”, (Ashe-Edmunds, 2016). I must not go over the budget Charles has allotted the Human Resources Department in our growth plan.