Challenges Case
Autor: peter • February 27, 2012 • Essay • 2,170 Words (9 Pages) • 1,803 Views
engaged in their work, they're more productive. The bigquestion is - what gets them engaged? The answer could be a number of differentthings. Some people are motivated by money, others by promotions. The answer can be specific to a personality, roles within the company, responsibilities, leadership,company values or even the company's products or services. Some organizations makeit a priority to understand where engagement levels are low and then work to bringthose levels up. Other organizations find areas of high engagement and then work todevelop programs and processes that improve employee engagement levels across theentire organization.How do they do it? The answer is simple: assessments. Using assessments to measureemployee attitudes throughout your organization will provide you with insight thatcould lead to higher productivity and job satisfaction. The information collected fromassessments provides company leaders with a heightened perspective on the currentreality in their organization's workplace and highlights areas of concern affecting thetotal workplace experience.The focus of HR managers is to retain employees by charting out for them a career graph which will give them quick growth in a short span of time. With HR managersgetting involved in strategic planning too they are becoming ever more important. HR managers are shifting focus to areas like succession planning and employeedevelopment programmes. They also have to work out a credible salary structure tokeep employees happy and satisfied to avoid the job-hop itch.The job market is certainly changing. Where once things like company loyalty wereconsidered of utmost importance, now job hopping is looked upon as the fastest routeup the corporate ladder. And so the HR manager's job becomes tougher and ever moreimportant. According to a recent survey their job is no longer limited to recruiting or managing payrolls. Today they have to work extra hard towards retaining employees.They are even helping out in formulating company strategy and in diversificationdecisions. HR managers are so sought after that they are occupying the second rungafter the CEO.
The HR Managers of today may find it difficult because of the rapidly changing business environmentand therefore they should update their knowledge and skills by looking at the organization's need and

objectives. The HRM challenges are
1. Managing the Vision:Vision of the organization provides the direction to business strategy and helps managers to evaluatemanagement practices and make decisions. So vision management becomes the integral part of Manmanagement in future.
2. Internal environment:Creating an environment which is responsive to external changes, providing satisfaction to theemployees and sustaining through culture and systems is