Constitution of the Palm Desert High School Chapter of the Junior State
Autor: fervidtopher • October 1, 2013 • Essay • 1,370 Words (6 Pages) • 1,502 Views
Constitution of the Palm Desert High School
Chapter of the Junior State
We, the citizens of the Palm Desert High School Chapter of the Junior State, in order to achieve high standards of citizenship, improve our understanding of democratic processes, develop responsibility in the individual, and promote involvement in community affairs, do establish this organization.
Article I: NAME
The name of this organization shall be “The Palm Desert High School Chapter of the Junior State.”
Membership will be granted to all students who have paid their annual membership tax as agreed upon by the President and Treasurer. All members are required to attend all meetings and may only miss 4 meetings throughout the year or their membership will be revoked.
Section A:
Any student may run for office provided that the person is a chapter member in good standing.
Section B:
The officers shall be elected by secret ballot at the second to last meeting of the elected term. The candidate receiving a majority of votes shall be declared the winner. If no candidate received a majority, the candidate receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped from the ballot and a new election shall commence. The process shall continue until a candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. No write-in votes will be accepted under any circumstances; only members present may vote in elections.
Section C:
The term of the officers shall start June 1 and end the following May 31. Elections must be held two weeks prior to the date of graduation each school year. In the case of a vacant position, the President may appoint a replacement with the approval of a majority of the rest of the officers. If the President resigns or is impeached, the Vice President becomes President. A new Vice President may be directly appointed thereafter by the new President.
Section D:
There shall be six (6) elected officers:
1. The President is the chief executive officer of the chapter and is responsible for representing the chapter at all events. The President will preside over all meetings and be a member of all committees. (S)he is responsible for running the chapter’s educational program. The President may appoint other officers as the need arises and may move to remove an officer given a simple majority of the rest of the officer.
2. The Vice President assists the