Contributions of United Nations in Bangladesh
Autor: smoke10ism • July 30, 2015 • Case Study • 465 Words (2 Pages) • 1,084 Views
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MGT 372
Section 14
Contributions of United Nations in Bangladesh
Group Members:
Muhammad Imtiaz Hussain 1110891030 | Tamzid Alam Khan 1230046030 |
Mohammad Sohel 1230077030 | Md Amir Hamza 1221039030 |
Ahmed Hossain Munna 1221228030 | Subra Sen 1230031030 |
Ishmam Ahmedul Karim 1230314030 | Dewan Asif Al Arafat 1230631030 |
Contributions of United Nations in Bangladesh
- United nation’s World Food Programme - In Bangladesh, WFP aims to improve the long-term food security and nutritional well-being of people living in the poorest and most food insecure communities, both in rural and urban areas. WFP has been assisting these high-risk groups in Bangladesh since 1974 and helped more than 155 million people through development programmes over these past 41 years.
- UN Peacekeeping: Bangladesh, India and Pakistan’s Troop Contributions- For almost a decade, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India have consistently been the top 3 contributors of troops for UN peace operations. It is ideal to think that this trend is a clear manifestation of the three states’ pure commitment to international peacekeeping. UN peacekeeping is an instrument for the top 3 contributors to pursue economic, professional, and political interests. Their active participation in UN peace missions is reciprocated by a number of benefits and rewards. The international community could regard Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh as valuable, responsible, and reliable supporters of peacekeeping.
- Economic development- Over the last 40 years, UN and Bangladesh partnership has contributed to the 30 per cent increase of Bangladesh's real per-capita income, and within this period the poverty rate reduced by 60 per cent. This has been encouraged by targeted investment in social programmes and the progressive policies of governments, which have also positioned Bangladesh to be on track to achieve 15 out of 34 of the relevant targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
- UNDP’s innovative interventions combined green development and climate change adaptation-With support from UNDP and other partners, Bangladesh made progress towards inclusive and green development, including integrating the linkages between poverty, climate change and disaster into national planning processes; introducing energy labelling and standards; and passing legislation to curb greenhouse gas emissions. UNDP successfully helped demonstrate the benefits of alternative business models for brick manufacturers and coastal forest management.