Creating Learning Organization
Autor: EmanGalal • April 17, 2016 • Article Review • 1,378 Words (6 Pages) • 914 Views
Strategic Management
Creating Learning Organization
Supervised By
Dr. Sanya Elgalaly
Prparedd by:
Eman Galal El.adawy Ali
Creating Learning Organization
Learning Organization is defined as one that continually improves by rapidly creating and refining the capabilities needed for future success.
Companies may not be familiar with the term, but the practices employed and the benefits reaped might clearly be indicative of a learning organization. It’s not a concept of having a training department as it’s the ability to grow rapidly and constantly.
The formula for creating a learning organization can be as follow:
LEARNING ORGANIZATION = Leader with Vision x (Plan/Metrics) x Information x Inventiveness x Implementation
Each element is absolutely mandatory, but how your organization goes about realizing each element depends upon the distinctive personality of your company.
Without a leader committed to learning, an organization will never approach its potential for success.
A strong learning leader has the ability and the will to close that gap between what the organization currently achieves vs. what the organization needs to achieve in the future, despite internal skeptics and external difficulties. The leader must have a clear vision; new vision should energize those striving to bring it into reality. Vision enables members of the organization to anticipate what they can contribute to help achieve important results. As Ted Hutton, president of Baltimore-based Waverly Inc., a publishing company, said, "If you don't have a clear picture that guides everyone, they either focus on the wrong thing or wait to be told what to do. In either case the business will not produce the results it is capable of."
"By clearly defining what businesses we want to be in, we then know what not to do. Jamie Houghton, CEO of Corning Inc. The best visions usually are simple, direct and uncomplicated.
To lead a learning organization is to be on a never-ending pilgrimage. The question is always, "What more can we do?" It is never, "Have we done enough?
The larger vision for improvement and change must be turned into specific work action steps; how will your company achieve what has been identified as the goal? How will progress be measured? Planning and a system of measurement keep the vision grounded in reality and prevent it from becoming an esoteric exercise. Timelines are important to the accomplishment of any vision. The breadth of the vision, the detail of the planning, and the feedback from the metrics drive the inventiveness and implementation in the final factor of the formula.