Development Management Skills
Autor: Linh Phạm • July 12, 2016 • Business Plan • 1,714 Words (7 Pages) • 1,231 Views
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I. Introduction
1. Overview of Warwick Castle
2. SWOT of Warwick Castle
2. Warwick Castle – where love begins.
1. Objective
2. Planning
3. Agenda
4. Advertise:
5. Cost
6. Risk management.
I. Introduction
1. Overview of Warwick Castle
Attacked in 1264, besieged in 1642 and damage by fire in 1871, the Castle has nevertheless survived the ever-changing fortunes of history. Warwick Castle is a medieval castle was built from the wood of William the Conqueror in 1068 as he moved his power north after the Norman Conquest. In 1260 the wooden castle is replaced by a fortified stone castle. It is used as a stronghold until the early 17th century, when it was granted to Sir Fulke Greville in 1604. Warwick Castle remained under the stewardship of the Earls of Warwick and later the Greville Family as a private home until 1978. The property was then taken over by The Tussauds Group, which later became Merlin Entertainments Group in 2007 and remains under their guardianship today (WarwickCastle, 2014)
2. SWOT of Warwick Castle
| Weakness
| Threats
2. Warwick Castle – where love begins.
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(WarwickCastle, 2014)
Christmas is a special event in year of most people in England and all over the world in 24th and 25th December, however, in this year Christmas will be a most special day for Warwick Castle and their loyal consumer because of it’s their 1100th birthday. Christmas is the time that people want to spent time with their family, give gifts for each others, in this time, many entertainment center will focus on ‘family’ with many attraction events, but a question is How about single people?. In this assignment, a plan for finding a part of love for customers will be performed