Evolution of Regulations Around Child Labor
Autor: Oliver92200 • April 27, 2014 • Research Paper • 6,877 Words (28 Pages) • 1,420 Views
I) Global Evolution of Child labor and focus on the US.
A) Evolution of Child labor and regulations
B) Focus on the United States.
II) Child Labor nowadays, what laws and conventions?
A) Child Labor today
B) Laws and conventions that are in place.
C) The roles of companies and consumers.
III) What can we do and improve today in order to prevent Child Labour tomorrow?
A) The cycle of Child Labour.
B) What laws and regulations for the future?
C) What can companies do? Corporate Responsibility.
Since the last decades, we are living in a globalized world where the race to economic growth is essential.
For the last 50 years, commercial trades between countries have been multiplied by 200! And there are in general three reasons to that growth.
Thanks to different organizations like the GATT that was created in 1947 and the WTO created in 1995, it has never been so easy to trade between different countries, for example custom duties were considerably reduced or even removed thanks to free trade zones. We know that some areas in the world are very interesting to do business in terms of fiscal issues like: Bangalore in India, Luxembourg, and different Islands.
Worldwide custom duties were 10 times lower in 2010 than 1945.
Transport revolution has also been one of the factors that have helped the development of worldwide trade of goods. Nowadays merchandise boats transport up to 80% of goods around the planet.
Finally, very big companies like Nike, Goodyear… started to implant themselves globally in order to reduce costs in terms of raw materials and LABOR or to conquer new markets. Logistic companies and right in the centre of this globalization.
This factor of globalization has helped countries in development to get richer and provide themselves with technological goods. Nevertheless, this trend has had