Formatting Citations
Autor: antoni • November 9, 2013 • Study Guide • 1,266 Words (6 Pages) • 1,064 Views
Formatting Citations:
I ask that you put all source citations on the bottom of the page rather than in a reference list at the end. It is simple to insert a reference in Word as you go and is much more professional. Here are some basic formats:
1Author. (Date.). Title of article. Title of publication. Volume. Pages.
1Peter Jones and Samantha King. (November 2007.) The Coming Dawn. Time, 47.4, pp. 107.
WEBSITE NO AUTHOR: Sponsor of web site.
1Bureau of Labor. (2010). Occupation by Region. Date of retrieval: January 4, 2011. http:// blah/gov
1John Hamm. (2010, August 4.) Why we age. Website sponsor: Not Wikipedia. Date of retrieval: January 4, 2011. http://blah blah.
Notice the keys to footnotes. You give enough information that the reader can look it up and see if you have properly cited it. Also notice that it is *never* OK to cut and paste information from the web without citing a source.
GRADING: This course is graded on a curve with a Foster School median set 3.1 to 3.2. Note: Do not turn in electronic work. Hard copies required.
If you use a laptop for taking notes, it is asked that you sit in the back row of class so you do not disturb others. Surfing will detract greatly from your participation grade. If it looks like you are surfing, I might ask you to send me a copy of the notes you are writing. If you are not writing notes, your participation grade will get a severe penalty.
Cell Phones:
It is best of you just put your cell phones away during class. Obviously it is OK to bring them out during breaks and while we are doing coordination activities (handing out things, hassling with problem equipment), but please put them away when lecture starts. Occasionally, I might have to remind you "cell phones off" but I really would rather not have to. Please understand it is extremely distracting because it is extremely rude.
You have a full week of grace where attendance does not affect you at all; this means you can miss two classes. Do not feel that you need to tell my why, it honestly is your own business. After a week, however, you will start to