Global Business
Autor: Norihiko Oryu • April 8, 2016 • Study Guide • 1,582 Words (7 Pages) • 972 Views
Global Business 2014
Wk1 Intro
Wk 2 Globalization & Japan’s Foreign Trade
Wk3 Cultural differences
Wk4 Culture and Consumer Behavior
Wk 5 Culture and Consumer Behavior
-Wk6 Entry methods
-Wk7 Negotiations
Wk8 Country presentations
Wk9 Country presentations
Wk10 Country presentations
Wk11 Country presentations
Wk12 Country presentations
Wk13 Country presentations
Wk14 Country presentations
Wk15 Exam
Guest Speakers: TBD
Country Presentation 30%
Company Report 30%
Attendance & Participation 10%
Exam 20%
Country Presentations (30~45 minutes)
Section 1- Introduce the country
- Country fast facts (Demographics, fun facts, etc.)
- Advantages of doing business in the country (government incentives, ease of doing business etc.)
- Communication behavior, manners, etiquette, customs rules
- Recent trends
- Active Japanese companies in the country and their investments
Section 2- Import/Export an item (1000 units)
- Decide what to a) import from b) export to the country
- Find a high quality/good price product and reliable producers on the internet (e.g.
- Decide how you will ship the cargo, calculate the cost, timing etc.
- List the procedures for customs, tariffs, etc.
- (To find out about procedures, contact with a) JETRO b)trading company c) customs d) internet search )
This sample has the country presentation that is shorter than expected but the import/export slides are OK. Country presentations should be uploaded to Facebook on the day of the presentation.
Company Report
Interview with an employee(s) of a company engaged in substantial foreign trade. Write a 2-page summary about
-Their operations
-The problems they experience
-Recent trends (e.g. how the Yen’s value, earthquake, oil, competitors from Asia, etc. impact their business)
-Their advice to students who want to get a career in global business
Assignments & Due Dates
All of the assignments have to be submitted online (via Facebook) before our weekly meetings.
Week 2
Please watch the 45-minute video of NYTimes Best seller Thomas Friedman here (you don't have to watch the first 7 minutes where he’s been introduced and the last 20 minutes: the Q & A session)
a) What are Globalization 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0? Please summarize his speech with 1 paragraph. Additionally, write a paragraph or two about the examples the author provided which made him think the world is flat.