How Should the Us Respond to the Problem of Illegal Immigration?
Autor: Kamila Ko • March 13, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,921 Words (8 Pages) • 1,229 Views
March 6, 2016
Position Paper #1: How should the US respond to the problem of illegal immigration?
According to the Center for Media and Democracy, "Illegal immigration (also referred to unauthorized or undocumented immigrants) refers to the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destined country.” (Nadadur, R., 2009) The United States immigration law can be violated by entering the country without government permission or once lawfully entering, and remaining within the country beyond the termination date of a temporary visa (Krogstad J. M., 2015). The consequences of the act will be deportation and not rewarding with a path to citizenship. In 2014, there were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the US. Since 2007, it decreased from 4% (12.2 million) to 3.5%. According to Pew Research Center, 49% (5.6 million) of immigrants are from Mexico. The major states which were occupied are California, Texas, Florida, New York, New Jersey, and Illinois (Krogstad J. M., 2015).
Identification of the issue
The immigration policies were created to welcome immigrants under the specific regulations benefit for the host country. Illegal immigration is often viewed as an issue because, by its nature, it does not follow the regulations. Most of the time it becomes problematic when they are excess amount or different quality than the country desired. There are three main immigration issues that the US being concerned. First issue is violation of the law, by crossing the borders immigrants already violating the law and causing cultural problems. Second, border security, if the borders will be opened, it might put nation’s security under the danger. Third problem is the undercut of wages and taking jobs.
A discussion of both sides of the issue
The immigration problem in the US became a political debate. Republicans argue restrictions on the immigration and they support deportation. The Republicans state that immigrant violate the law and threaten American values. Not all illegal immigrants cross the borders to find a job. Some of them might have to leave their country due to criminal activities. According to the New Immigrant Survey (NIS), compare to the legal, illegal immigrants are more likely to be less educated (Caponi, V. 2014). Also, huge inflow of immigrants might overwhelm American culture.
If the US will open the borders for everyone then the rate of crime might increase. According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 177,960 immigrants were deported last year who were convicted criminals (Shoichet, C. E, 2015). In 2005, approximately 2.2 million kilograms of cocaine and 11.6 kilograms of marijuana were smuggled into the United States through the Mexican border, according to the Federal investigators. An illegal alien pays between $1,200 and $2,500 to be taken across the border. Most of the time illegal immigrants pay back this amount by selling drugs after reaching the United States (Jameson, T., 2007). If the borders were open, drug dealers might easily enter the U.S. Despite to fact that for the past two decades the United States increased the nation's borders regulation against illegal immigration, America still faced terror attacks as well illegal immigration (Alden E., 2012). The terror in 9/11 was the major attack. If America would open its borders the potential for terrorists entering the United States is higher. Therefore, opening the borders might increase the crime and take away nations prosperity.