Illegal Immigrants
Autor: jjjjj12345 • December 6, 2012 • Essay • 358 Words (2 Pages) • 1,297 Views
Illegal immigrants, who already have a job in the United States for a few years and have been paying taxes, should be able to stay in the United States and apply legally to become a permanent citizen of the United States. The United States should allow the illegal immigrants to stay in the United States because immigration is what the United States was built on.
The United States was founded by immigrants. The United States would not be what it is today if it was not for immigrants. The United States is the “land of opportunity”, the American Dream is what draws these immigrants to the United States. These immigrants just want a better life, a life with opportunities for their families. I can speak with experience: my parents are immigrants from India. They wanted to come to the United States to provide a better life for their children. Their hard work and dedication is why I am here today, in St. Louis College of Pharmacy. This is more than what my parents would have ever thought of before they moved to the United States.
However, illegal immigration is still a problem. Though the United States should allow the illegal immigrants that already have a job in the United States, they should still regulate immigration and prevent more illegal immigration from happening. It is obvious that if the United States becomes acquiescent to the issue, it could lead to over population in the United States and affect the economy. But, going through the legalizing process would help the United States economy: the fee charged to become citizens would be a source of income for the United States.
There are many illegal immigrants that are working in the United States today. Deporting all of them back to where they came from would hurt the economy; the income generated from the taxes collected from all of the illegal immigrants would be gone. If the United States allows them to stay, it would minimize the amount of revenue and resources spent