How the Job Attitude Contributes to the Success of the Organization
Autor: sanuraj23 • February 3, 2016 • Term Paper • 3,554 Words (15 Pages) • 1,069 Views
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Employees play a crucial role in building up an organization. Each and every employee is equally important for the success of an organization. The main objective of every organization is to achieve their organizational goals. These can only be achieved only through the proper cooperation and coordination of the employers. Job attitudes are one of the key factors in achieving the desired objectives of an individual as well as the organization. Attitude can be defined as the beliefs or feelings that favours or disfavours about an object, person or an event. It can also be defined as the set of evaluations that constitutes feelings, belief and commitment or attachment towards the job. The elements of attitude are:
- Cognitive component: The component that described the opinion or belief of the person in the way things are.
- Affective component: This component shows or describes about the emotional or feelings of an attitude
- Behavioral component: It describes the individuals’ actions or behaves in a certain way towards something it is based on the affective component how a person reacts or behaves.
The major job attitudes are:
- Job satisfaction
- Job involvement
- Organization commitment
- Psychological empowerment.
- Perceived Organizational Support.
- Employee Engagement.
Job satisfaction: In simple words it can be defined as the satisfaction an individual get while performing his job or duties. Job satisfaction and performance are interlinked with each other. Suppose a person is happy with his/ her job he will perform much better than any other colleagues in the organization. Some believes that performance drives the job satisfaction, means that if an employee is performing well in an organization he will be satisfied and self motivated. So it’s ambiguous to come into the conclusion that whether job satisfaction drives the job performance of an individual or job performance leads to job satisfaction. Job satisfaction depends on two factors: organizational factors and personal factors. Some employee gets more satisfaction level doing the same task or piece of work compared to others this is mainly due to difference in their personalities and values. The factors that contribute to the job satisfaction are: good working condition, fairness in the rewards received, job related stress, job security, promotions and recognition, and interesting works. Some studies states that the people who are satisfied with their job are more likely to engaged in Organizational Citizenship behavior, they love to help and interact with their co workers. And always tries to create or maintain a positive environment in the organization. Job satisfaction and absenteeism shows an inverse relation with each other. Suppose a highly satisfied employee will hardly take leave or miss the important meetings, while dissatisfied employee shows high rate of absenteeism. The job satisfaction and turnover shows much stronger negative or inverse relationship than that of the absenteeism. Job dissatisfaction leads to turnover when he has got numerous opportunities outside. When a person is dissatisfied with the job he shows a deviant behavior in the workplace, he tries to destroy the equipments and tries to steal the equipments, use the office resources for his personal use for example he will spend time in chit chatting with his friends on Face book using the office internet facilities.