Identify the Differences Between Management and Leadership
Autor: Amanda_Coles • November 30, 2011 • Essay • 699 Words (3 Pages) • 2,851 Views
Identify the differences between management and leadership
Forrest and Tolltree believe that:
Managers Leaders
Plan Motivate
Control Generate ideas
Co-ordinate Enthuse
Implement Policies Inspire
Achieve Results
Kotter believes that:
Managers. Leaders.
Control and Solve problems Motivate and inspire
Plan and Budget Establish a direction
Organise things Align people with a vision
Encourage order and predictability Encourage change
Mullins state that:
Managers Leaders
Impersonal More personal
Low level of emotional involvement Have empathy
Planning, organising, directing, controlling Communicating, motivating, encouraging
Results Transforms
Based on three theories, it can be seen that managers are people who plan by looking to foresee by examining the future and then deciding what needs to be achieved, for example to maximise profits. If what they needed to achieve was to maximise profits, they would need to provide their employees with the resources and schedules needed to achieve this aim, showing how they have responsible/control of overseeing the work of others. Due to their level of power and the need to complete company objectives, it means that mangers tend to be focused on completing the task and are therefore, often seen as being impersonal and having a low level of emotional involvement.
A leader differs from that of a manager in that leaders are people who guide others toward a common vision, leading the way by example, and creating an environment where other team members feel involved in the process. A leader is more interpersonal and is able to communicate their visions in a moving way to their followers. Leaders encourage change based on their visions and passions that they have, which usually tends to be in the interest of others. This denotes why leaders are seen to be like coaches because they help to motivate and develop a person over a long period of term.
Identify the key leaders from the organisation and analyse why they were effective leaders
When looking back over my time in secondary school Mrs Clarkson-a music teacher and the organiser of a senior and madrigal choir-can be identified