Identifying the Market Potential for the Htc Mobile Phone in Bangladesh
Autor: andrey • February 19, 2012 • Case Study • 3,162 Words (13 Pages) • 2,087 Views
Identifying the Market Potential
for the HTC Mobile Phone
in Bangladesh
Study Background
This report is the outcome of the study to find out the potentials for launching the HTC Mobile brand in Bangladesh market. Bangladesh, having a population of 150 Million, which is a huge market for the mobile phone companies. GrameenPhone is dominating as the Network service provider having a client profile of more than 20 Million. Not only GrameenPhone (Telenor), but also AKTEL (TM International), Banglalink (Orascom), Warid (Dhabi Group) and TeleTalk (BTTB) is also having their own market for network subscribing. All these are GSM service providers. Apart from GSM service providers CDMA service provider CityCell (SingTel) is also having a good share in the market. However, the GSM service providers are dominating the cell phone industry in Bangladesh. Hence it is obvious that there is a high potential for the Cellular Phone set manufacturers in Bangladesh. NOKIA, SIEMENS, MOTOROLA has already entered in Bangladesh market with their service centers and outlets to sell Mobile sets.
Broad Objective
To identify the market potential of HTC Mobile Phone in Bangladesh Market
Specific Objectives
• To identify the average sales of the mobile phone sets worth above Taka 35,000 (US$ 500) in a day.
• To find out the monthly sales volume of every retailer.
• To identify the amount of sales of the mobile phone sets above Taka 35,000 (US$ 500) over their total sales.
• To identify the commissions or margin that the retailers are looking forward or charging while selling a mobile phone set above Taka 35,000 (US$ 500).
• To identify the awareness and interest of the mobile phone users to use windows mobile phone.
• To identify the price that the respondents are willing to pay to have a windows mobile phone.
The data were collected from the shop owners and from some of the users without following probabilistic sampling procedure. There were many scopes to be covered like collecting data from the user end and from the sellers end from a wider perspective but it was not done in the report due to unavailability of the sampling frame.
Scope of the Research