Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (ibbl) Case Study
Autor: Azady Dhali • November 28, 2015 • Research Paper • 26,542 Words (107 Pages) • 1,371 Views
his is a descriptive report on Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) which, in turn, as a fundamental institution for the Economic Development as well as Islamic Economy of a country.
- Origin of the Report
Compliant with the rule of the BBA Program offered by International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka Campus, it is mandatory for a student to intern in an organization, in order to be acquainted with the real Banking practices. Banking business in today’s world is going rapidly. Bank deals with diversified work. Here, many things have to learn quickly which helps to build career decision later on. So, we had selected Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited for the internship. The topic of our study is “Different Modes Of Investment Of Islami Bank Bangladesh limited.”
- Statement of the Problem
A bank consists of various departments/sections. In Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL), there are six main departments namely cash, bills and remittance, clearing and collection, Investment, Foreign Exchange and accounts section. We have got practical knowledge from each of these departments except cash section. As far as concern, we have decided to put each and every activities concerning “Different Modes Of Investment”. More or less of our designated branch that is Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL), Islamic Development Bank, Dhaka-1207.
1.3 Purpose
The primary purpose of this report is to gain practical knowledge of the theory. Internship provides on the job exposure to the student as well as offers the opportunity for transforming the theoretical concept into real situation. The other objectives of the study are given below:
- To know the key concepts of Investment Mode.
- To observe the process of invest money
- To adapt the real professional work experience.
1.4 Scope of the report
The report is prepared with sequentially of the subject matter. In the first phase, profiles of IBBL have been conferred. The second phase deals with the General Banking operation of IBBL. Third phase is consisted of Investment Banking of IBBL. Fourth phase, presents the Foreign Exchange operations of IBBL and other important issues have been prescribed in order of choice of the subject matter.
1.5 Methodology
1. Nature of the Study: Exploratory
2. Sources of Information: Both primary and secondary information sources were used to complete this report.
- Primary Sources: Primary sources were officers and manager (AVP) of the Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., Islamic development Bank Branch. Following factors were considered to collect information:
- Face to Face conversation.
- Information Queries: Questions were presented in a paper sheet.
- Respondent size: 9 respondents.
- Secondary Sources: Secondary information was collected from various books, journals, manuals, and also from the web sites.
3. Analysis Techniques: Self study was used to analyze the collected information.
4. Presentation of Information: Collected information and findings of the analysis are presented in both table and graphical form.
1.6 Limitations
We have obtained whole hearted co-operation from the members of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL). Moreover, the branch that has selected me for internship is Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Mohammadpur Krishi Market Branch, Dhaka-1207, where we act as internees. However, we have faced the following limitations: