Meter Reader
Autor: SHINTYCHIUMAN • June 12, 2015 • Case Study • 593 Words (3 Pages) • 1,592 Views
1. There should be a minimum education requirement for the meter reader job, at least a high school diploma holder, as it is for the purpose of the company to have good communication skills and well-educated meter reader workers. Even though the tasks required in meter reading are relatively simple but Judy had been having considerable difficulty keeping the 37 meter reader position filled. It is true that the commitment shown to obtain educational qualifications, such as a high school diploma, may reflect the superior character work and job applicants. However its seem such an unrealistic job qualification, to change the education requirement for the meter reader job from a high school diploma to a college degree. Its means the applicants need to have a degree before they can apply for the meter reader jobs. Furthermore, even the task in meter reading are simple but for a person without a high school diploma or a college degree may have problems in reading numbers and letters, and thus would be unsuitable for the position of meter readers. Also, for meter reader workers with high school diploma holder allows themselves to have opportunity to be promoted or benefit on further education in the future, so that’s why we need to have a minimum education requirement. Having a minimum qualification of a high school diploma seems reasonable, unless there is a training program that could screen individuals for the ability to master the basic functions of the job. With high school diploma certificate increase the employment possibilities where minimum education provided to fill in their job with specific skills that enables them to start as soon as possible on their job whereas its helps employer to reduce the cost on training and development.
2. Basically, Sam’s effort to upgrade the people in the organization is really good changes for the company in the future. On the contrary, Judy already had difficulties in keeping the 37 meter reader position