Meter Bridge Technique for Resistance Measurement
Autor: nafistaimum • February 24, 2015 • Lab Report • 584 Words (3 Pages) • 6,031 Views
Title of the Report
For Example: Meter Bridge Technique for Resistance Measurement
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Session: L1, T-1
Meter Bridge is very easy and useful technique for measurement of unknown resistance. The resistance per unit length of meter bridge wire is determined using this technique. Resistivity of a wire is also measured by using this method. The resistance per unit length of meter bridge wire is found to be 0.01 Ohm/cm and resistivity of a wire is found to be 5 Ohm-cm. This technique is very useful to determine unknown resistance and resistivity.
Resistance is the friction in an electrical circuit that controls the flow of current [1]. The resistance of a given object depends primarily on two factors: What material it is made of, and its shape. An object of uniform cross section has a resistance proportional to its resistivity and length and inversely proportional to its cross-sectional area [2]. Every real-world circuit must include an appropriate resistance so that there is an appropriate current flow [1].
An instrument for measuring resistance is called an ohmmeter. Simple ohmmeters cannot measure low resistances accurately because the resistance of their measuring leads causes a voltage drop that interferes with the measurement [2]. There are many techniques for measurement of unknown resistance such as Meter Bridge, Post office box, two probe techniques etc.
Meter Bridge is based on the principle of Wheatstone bridge and it is used to find the resistance of an unknown conductor or to compare two unknown resistance [3]. The resistance per unit length of meter bridge wire and specific resistance of a wire are determined using this technique.
1. Determination of resistance per unit length of meter bridge wire.
Theory [4]:
Experimental Techniques:
Procedure for doing this experiment not exact book. Use passive form or you can use of your own system. May be you can include apparatus name, figs, diagram or others appropriate materials.
Experimental Data:
You can use appropriate table for collection of data. It is not necessary follow exact book.
Here you can include your graph while necessary.
Use working formula from theory for calculation.
Find error for the experiment.
Mention your result with an error.
Discuss about your result and error. Justify your error
2. Determination of Specific Resistance of a Wire using Meter Bridge
Theory [5]:
Experimental Techniques:
Procedure for doing this experiment. Do not follow book exactly. Use passive form or you can use of your own system. May be you can include apparatus name, figs, diagram or others appropriate materials.