Lab Techniques and Measurements Case
Autor: aboss • April 9, 2015 • Lab Report • 3,503 Words (15 Pages) • 1,374 Views
Alisha Latham
March 26, 2015
Lab #2
Lab Techniques and Measurements
Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is for the students to familiarize ourselves with the laboratory tools and techniques. This experiment taught us how to convert between SI units and standard American units of mass, length, temperature, volume and time as well as how to measure the units. Students become proficient lab techniques such as measuring temperature and volume and calculating within them.
Materials: Distilled water, DVD, plastic cup, dimes, fork, ice cubes, alcohol, key, matches, sheet of white paper, pencil, pennies, quarters, spoon, sugar, tap water, 25mL volumetric flask, 100 mL glass beaker, rubber bulb, burner fuel, burner stand, 25 mL cylinder, digital scale, magnet, ruler, pipets, safety goggles, metal bolt, string, thermometer.
Exercise 1: Length, Temperature, and Mass
Length Measurements:
Object Length(cm) Length(mm) Length(m)
DVD 12.065 120.65 0.12065
Key 5.08 50.8 0.0508
Spoon 15.24 152.4 0.1524
Fork 17.78 177.8 0.1778
Temperature Measurements:
Water Temperature(C) Temperature(F) Temperature(K)
Hot From Tap 36 96.8 309.15
Boiling 100 212 373.15
Boiling 5 Min. 100 212 373.15
Cold from Tap 20 68 266.483333
Ice Water-1 Min. 5 41 278.15