Perception, Learning & Attributes
Autor: FjSysukePot00 • September 29, 2015 • Presentation or Speech • 972 Words (4 Pages) • 981 Views
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- Former Malaysia Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamad with BBC Hardtalk Show.
- Dr Mahathir Mahamad have been interviewd on 2008 in BBC show, The Hard talk with the Stephen Sackur. The content on the interview overally based on the roles Dr Mahathir have back on the day, when he was the prime minister and dragged it out on his retirement days.
- However, over his time as the prime minister and past his retirement day, there are some issues that purposely being stressed out by the Sackur as the host and interviewer. He seems trying to get an cohesive and precise answer from Dr Mahathir but the ways he asked the question looked he tried to make Dr Mahathir agree with him. He sometimes manaipulated the answer given by Dr Mahathir in his words, making the viewers confius with the answer given by Dr Mahathir.
- In some point, the Sackur guy stamenent was biased and incompetent. Wether it is out of his habit or purposely act, he like to cut off Dr Mahathir before Dr finished his sentences. He seems to be overjoy or “ignorant” whenever he cut off Dr Mahathir. I don’t know wether he feels any sort of proudness because able to be on the same level with Dr Mahathir or wether he looked down or underestimate Dr Mahathir or generally Malay people. Overally, he tried to seems very “fair” at his words during the show in my opinion.
- Occurance of perceptual distortion/s.
- In my opinion, there are several occurance of perceptual distortion/s during the show.
- First when the Sackur said that Dr Mahathir an anti-wastern people. Dr Mahathir response very fast without any hesitation. Dr Mahathir stressed the word “no” very hard and deep denying the statement.
- The, Sackur clearly said that Dr Mahathir was a dictator laeder. Dr Mahathir only chuckles at first, then his face expression changed because the Sackur said the info he get is out of some fact. It is clearly that Dr Mahathir not pleasant with the statement given by Sackur.
- Sackur seemed to be misunderstang by past statement from Dr Mahathir about the Islam and terrorists. He looked confius with the words Dr Mahatir used in the Islamic Conference was the similar words used by Osama Laden and contracted the words.
- Overally these perceptual distortions that occurred during the interviews mostly from the different though of Dr Mahathir and Sackur. Both trying to get themselves right with their own though. Even though it seems both tring to resolve the diiferent in though, but seems the resolved not clearly “resolved”. When there are the times, Sakur didn’t gives Dr Mahathir appropriate time to clarify some issues and he seems to evaluate the liability of Dr Mahathir.
- Factors influencing the perceptual distortions.
- During this whole short video, there is only one major reason to the perceptual distortions that occurring in this interview, which is bias.
- Most of the bias towards the Islam, political situation in Malaysia and malays. Once in the interviews, Sackur said Dr Mahathir an anti-western people and confiusing by the words of Islamic terrorisms, obviously related to Osama Laden. Based on this terms, it clearly can be describe that the statement soley based on bias and not on the concrete evidence. Dr Mahathir oppose the statement by gives narcisims examples by implies he do not want United States of America and Jews (Israel) to attacks Baghdad. By his example, implied that terrorisims not only triggered by Islam and Muslim but the Jews and Christians also the triggers of terrorisms.
- Then the bias statement about the political situation in Malaysia. The Sackur seems to questionize the regulation applied to the media in Malaysia. He seems to emphasize that media in Malaysia doesn’t have any freedom to publish everything, include the “dirty secrects” of government, if any. As we all already knows, Malaysia is a multi race country. Some extrovert and racis news or statement can’t be publish to public. These will ultimately create panic and strikes among civilians because this is sentitive issues.
- The third bias statement given by Sackur is about the Malays people. He claimly quoted that Dr Mahathir used inappropriate words when interact in dialogues. The way Sackur expressed the statement look like Dr Mahathir was a rude and inpolite person. Of course, when Sackur said that, he only emphasize on Dr Mahathir, but it also applied to Malays because Dr Mahathir is a Malay and once was the Malay laeder. He seems to looked down on Malays by saying that kind of statement.
- There are some quotes by famous people that I would to apply here that I felt suit the focus in this interviews;
- “the biggest problem occurs during communication is the illusion created that have taken place” by George Bernad Show.
- “the further backward you can see, obviously the further forwad you may see” by Winston Churchill.
- “live as if u were could die tomorrow, learns as if you could live forever” by Mahatma Gandhi.
- “if there must be troubles, let the troubles be in my day, and my childs may have peace” by Thomas Paine.
- These quotes not just some ordinary words but have deep and inspiring meaning behind it that driven peoples to move forwards in order to create a better day for all peoples. No bias, no rasis and no terrorisms for a better lives.
- As the conclusion, overally this was a good interview because it clearly any misunderstanding about the Islam and Malays in international communities point of views.
- References:
- Mohamad, D. M. (2008). BBC Hardtalk. (S. Sackur, Interviewer)
- Stewarty. (n.d.). Blog at The Choco Theme. Retrieved from Criminal Minds opening and closing quotes.
- Tversky B1, S. D. (n.d.). Perceptual and conceptual factors in distortions in memory for graphs and maps. Retrieved from PulBmeb.Gov.