Qnt 275 - Business Decision Making Project
Autor: Chuck Hurt • January 18, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,198 Words (5 Pages) • 1,240 Views
Business Decision Making Project, Final
Charles Hurt
W. Eric Hogan
Business Decision Making Project, Final
The United States armed forces have been through a multitude of changes in the recent years as a result of the conflicts while some of them are having adverse impacts. Now that the elections are near and military spending is drawing downward they are starting to see a trend of lower morale and challenges of keeping qualified, capable soldiers who are deciding to leave for various reasons. In this case study you will see some of the more prevalent ones but there are too many to cover in this short study. This is a critical area of any world power country as the world is always going to have are area that has instability and will need attention from other nations.
Keeping a Strong Military
The armed forces are now starting to see the military cutbacks that we saw in the eighties when the nation was in a fairly peaceful period. With the ever changing technological industry we are seeing that the enemies of the free world are a smarter more covert and have more resources available than in decades past. This in return will render the US to maintain an even more diversified and intelligent fighting force to maintain a safe and secure environment. This will need to start with the vision of the boots on the ground and the service members that fill them. The United States can only maintain and enhance this by its members and how they feel about what they are contributing. In a recent surveys conducted by “www.militarytimes.com” we see that this is not what we expect from our young recruits and second term service members. Our most effective members are the members that want to be in the uniform and fulfilling what they signed on the contract to do.
Graph 1: http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/2014/12/07/americas-military-a-force-adrift/18596571/
[pic 1]
As the survey shows the military is not on a path of showing the service members that they are trying to correct the trend but enabling it. There are many tactics that the leaders have done in the past to keep the recruits but ultimately with the growing financial times this only will happen with incentives. Some of the incentives have a catch to them which causes them to become difficult to attain or fulfill. In an example, a marine reenlists for language training or a college education but the respective unit they are assigned to comes down on orders to deploy. This in return puts the incentive behind and in some cases will not be able to be fulfilled. With these hopes and intentions falling short we will see an evident amount of frustrations and distrust.