Real Estate in India
Autor: Ramesh1990 • February 15, 2016 • Coursework • 3,936 Words (16 Pages) • 1,077 Views
Equity Story
Valuation of Golduin
Listing Location
IPO size &structure
1.1Global E-commerce Industry snapshot1.2Global Retail E-commerce: Identifying Key Markets and Trends2.1 Golduin Retail: A Snapshot2.2 Goldui’s Diesified Pesee aoss the gloe2.3 Segment wise Performance of Golduin and Key Driving Geographies4.1 Listing Location for Golduin Retail2.6 Financial Performance Scorecard for Golduin Retail2.7 Investment and Growth opportunities for Golduin Retail 3.2 Peer Selection framework for Golduin Retail: Level I screening 3.3 Peer Selection framework for Golduin Retail: Level II screening3.4 Valuation of Golduin Retail and Football Field Analysis5.1 Framework: IPO size and Utilisation3.1 Valuation of Golduin Retail2.4 Business Model and Strategic Initiatives of Golduin Retail2.5 Key Growth strategies of Golduin and Value proposition for its stakeholders
Sector Overview
Synergy Analysis
5.2 IPO analysis of peers and Listing structure
5.3 IPO size and Structure6.1 Scanning the potential geography for growth opportunities6.2 Pursuing organic growth opportunities in China6.3 Budget requirements for Acquisition purposes 6.4 Potential Acquisition Target Universe6.5 Strategic Analysis of Potential Targets
Sector Overview
Equity Story
Valuation of Golduin
Listing Location
IPO Size & Structure
Use of Proceeds
Growth rate for the eCommerce has been predicted at 17.6% in 2015 decreasing from 20.1% in 2014 showing signs that eCommerce market is maturingSmartphones and Tablets dominate as medium for online shopping. Sale of smartphones increased by 48% and 164% in developed and emerging countries respectivelyAsia-Pacific(33.4%) surpassed USA(31.7%) in terms of market share in global eCommerce sectorUSA, UK and China account for 61% of total e-commerce sales in the world; China emerging at the top spot in terms of turnover( $538 billion) The top 3 common categories of products purchased online are Books (67%), Clothing and Apparel (63%) and Consumer Electronics (69%)Millenials make up for mare than half of those who intend to buy onlineLogistics, has seen the highest improvement in the supply chain process with