Squatting Is Not the Answer
Autor: Bùi Vân Anh • April 10, 2018 • Essay • 629 Words (3 Pages) • 1,082 Views
Name: Bùi Thị Vân Anh
Student Number : 1612260084
With the recent criminalization of squatting in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, there are now few legislatures in the Western world that are as lenient with regard to squatting as our own. There is an unfortunate tendency to see squatting as a solution to homeless, but such a view is a myth. Furthermore it is an idea that is corrosive to one of the great sources of cohesion in countries such as our own – people’s ownership of homes. [Here the writer’s claim that there is a tendency to see squatting as a solution to homeless, and the consequence of this idea – doesn’t have well evidence to support. All of this claim is just base on “our own” which doesn’t generalize.]
Home ownership is sacrosanct in this country, and a right to be enjoyed by all the citizens. [In this case the write should show more detail about the right about home ownership in the country’s law]. As a result, any violation is an unacceptable desecration. Squatting is just such a desecration, which is why it should be penalized much further it is currently. Squatting is not fair to those who have waited to save up and buy a house – it’s a form of queue-jumping, flouting the current conventions of home purchase and just occupying the place of your choice. [This argument about home ownership is quite closely but the write use some word which is kind of biased like desecration.]
At present laws on squatting are far too lenient.[ The writer should show the specific content of this laws, which country this law belong to].They allow any vagrant to come in and take control of property that isn’t theirs. Academics and leftists might think that’s a good idea but we as ordinary citizens and homeowners relies that we must protect property. There are stories of those who have gone on holiday and returned to find it very difficult to evict squatter. In other case they have moved for a family already grieving. They treat the property with utter disrespect. This is no better than theft.[ This claim is about the unfairness when squatting is legalize – is well supported evidence but all the evidence that the write show is not specific , it is theoretical but it is based on his own experience and the people around him when he said “we as ordinary citizens and homeowners”.]