Strategic Planning for Knowledge Knowledge Management
Autor: Antonio • November 7, 2011 • Research Paper • 5,013 Words (21 Pages) • 2,967 Views
1. Introduction
Strategic planning for
Knowledge management (KM) is the process
of identification and leverage of
organizational knowledge assets to deliver
business advantages to the organization and
implementation in
its customers. In the era of globalization, the
engineering firms
rapid adoption of information technology
(IT), and Web-based business processes,
leading companies are those who are able to
Ravi Shankar
effectively, efficiently and exhaustively
M.D. Singh
manage the knowledge that exists throughout
Amol Gupta and
the organization. For this, firms have to
undertake KM deployment as a strategic issue
Rakesh Narain
if they wish to create long-term competitive
advantage through the sustained leverage of
The authors
knowledge. However, effective deployment of
Ravi Shankar is an Assistant Professor in the Department
KM is a difficult task; many organizations
of Management Studies, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, India.
have tried and failed to implement KM. The
M.D. Singh is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of
majority of such failures go unreported in the
Mechanical Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute
literature ± organizations are much more
of Technology, Allahabad, India. Amol Gupta is a
likely to write about their successes! As with
Student in the Department of Computer Science, TIT&S
most other initiatives, the KM deployment
Bhiwani, Haryana, India. Rakesh Narain is a Senior
Lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
process can be separated into the