Tanza Transportation
Autor: jon • April 11, 2011 • Essay • 299 Words (2 Pages) • 1,603 Views
1) Tanza transportation can offer special promotions / offer provided on their website by attracting customer to buy their tickets and they can enjoy their trip by travelling far places with an affordable price. For an example , Tanza Transportation can recommend their customer by promoting them by publishing on their website for an example "If more ticket's are purchase , the more discounts they will get and better offer deal will be provided to them" with a lower rate price will be charge, which will be very affordable. Besides that, Tanza transportation also can do special offer by offering customer to buy their membership card where they got to travel at least three times travel to far journey place's and than their fourth round it will be free for them to travel with their bus. The same thing goes for social media. If you are already established with social media accounts on sites like Facebook , YouTube, or Twitter (and there are hundreds of others, as well) you are already spending time online. May as well make that time pay off by helping you to expand your customer base and giving you more visibility and credibility. Create a social media campaign that drives potential customers to your website and give them a reason to be happy they visited. Social media can buy you great publicity and help build your know/like/trust factor. Sever is an important tool to send information to client or enduser . If sever goes outage,
User can access information.
Therefore Tanz Traansportation have monitor & manintain server in avery 2 weeks . so that server still within the functionality to elobarete aboute how server should be maintain
By using few maintenance & preventcntive . this is the approach to normal computer or workstation hardware.