The Electoral College
Autor: kelli45 • December 20, 2012 • Essay • 1,062 Words (5 Pages) • 1,203 Views
The Electoral College is a method that will allow us to select a President and a Vice President for
our country. The Electoral College was established by our Founding Fathers so that we could
come together in agreement to be able to elect these people into these offices so that they can
help us and our country to prosper. Congress also has a say so in this too along with the popular
vote in the voting and nominating process.
On November 4th, the States and the District of Columbia holds these elections every four years.
The Electoral College is made up of 538 electors and that is one for each of the 435 members of
the House of Representatives and the 100 Senators. The remaining 3 are for the District of
Columbia members. These positions are chosen by the political parties.These positions are chosen by the political parties.
The States are responsible under The United States Constitution and Federal laws for electing
and following through with the process of a President and Vice President that is appropriate for
all the people involved. The elderly, the children, the working class and so on. The Constitution
does not allow the Senator, Representative or the person that is holding office of trust or profit
to be appointed as an elector.
The voting process is worldwide, all the people are allowed to have a say in which it is that will
be speaking for our country and us. The voting process is based on what is most popular. After
the people of the world have the ability to choose who they want for us to be represented by as
far as a president and vice president goes, the next step is for the Governor of each state and the
Mayor of the District of Columbia has to prepare a Certificate of Ascertainment for the electors
that are to be able to appoint in the proper person for the appropriate office.
The Certificate of Ascertainment is a list of names of the electors and the number of votes that
were received by each member. This document has to be signed by the Governor and
include the seal of the State. The Governor must then prepare 7 original Certificate of
Ascertainment. The original