Walmart Organisation Behaviour
Autor: Harmeet Singh • February 3, 2016 • Term Paper • 873 Words (4 Pages) • 1,199 Views
Organizational Ethics
In many ways ethical principles can be used to address organizational issues. As we work for ethical organizations, so it’s important to care about ethics. As an individual we should respect ethics, irrespective of the job we hold. It’s important that we must feel good about ourselves and the kind of a work we do. Workers mainly depend upon the organization who must care about ethics and helps them in defining the behaviour whether it’s acceptable or unacceptable. In order to avoid criminal liability and bad reputation, organization might be interested in being ethical, or they might be interested in being ethical because the person who runs the organization, might believe that it’s the right thing to do and want to be a part of just and fair environment. Ethical lapses can cost an organization in losing confidence of the customers, increase in regulations by the government or by imposing fines. In some industries, companies have joined voluntarily to promote ethical conducts in the industry. One of the best way to communicate organizational ethics to the employees is by training them as per the standards of the company.
What role do external social pressures have in influencing organizational ethics?
External social pressures have controlled many business houses to act in an ethical manner and to fulfil the expectation which are upon them. They need to show the awareness towards the society in which we live and also towards protecting the environment. Walmart’s social pressure involves the loyalties of their consumers, top performance of their business, safeguarding the interests of the investors and the community, chief security officers, pressure by the government for the growth and controlling inaccuracy. Social media is a very powerful tool to bring out the deficiencies, challenges of the business houses when they don’t fulfil their social responsibilities.
How might these issues be relevant to organizational and personal decisions?
In the old days, companies used to do well by not breaking any law or violating any moral principles. But in today’s world companies have expanded to be more of a proactive and in their attempts to be of a model citizen with open and trustworthy business practices. This happened largely because we expect that the companies treat their customers honestly, being more socially involved or being more charitable and to provide a good working condition for their employees.
As professionals, organizations have the responsibility to apply ethics in each of their actions and decisions. Character and goodness are the most important traits and they should aim to have these in their business, if they want to maintain a high level of integrity in their business. Organizations correct and ethical behaviour can only be judged through their actions and words. Organizations should have to change their mentality of just wanting to make money with complete disregard to what is right or wrong, rather than they should have the mentality of what is beneficial to the customer and integrity of the business. Normally, it has been seen that the companies who violates these, customers boycott their products for a short term, as long as they are not viewed harmful to an individual health or safety. Walmart need not to worry about the competitors either because they manufacture the products with comparable budget arrangements and employment.