What Are the Key Success Factors of Coca-Cola?
Autor: Shifnatul • July 4, 2011 • Case Study • 901 Words (4 Pages) • 10,110 Views
1. What are the key success factors of coca-cola?
Answer: There are many factors contributing to Coca-Cola's success, however, I believe that theirkey success factors are Marketing, Innovation, and Globalization.
Coca-Cola is seen as one of the founding fathers of the modern day marketing model. They were among the pioneers of advertising techniques and styles used to capture an audience.It was around 1900 when Coca-Cola began presenting their signature drink as a delicious and refreshing formula. This slogan has been repeated for over the last 100 years selling Coke all over the world. Through its intense marketing campaigns, Coke has developed an image that is reflected in what we think of when we buy Coke and what we associate with drinking Coke. This image has been subconsciously installed in our brain by the advertising campaigns that show Coca-Cola associated with "good times." They proved themselves as a genius in tv commercial. After that through the change of time thet are practicing innovative marketing ideas to promote their product.
Coca-Cola has been able to survive and grow in an ever-changing market because of its ability to systematically innovate and deliver new products. In the late 90s the company, typically showing earnings growth of 15-20% per year, turned in three straight years of falling profits. It was apparent that the market was changing and in order to keep up with these changes, Coca-Cola had to move from a single core product to a total beverage company. They launched wine flavoured drinks in Spain, bitter harbal drink in Italy and different flavoured drink in different country or region. So they become more locally responsive in case of innovating the new product which has been its one of the key succes factor.
Coca cola has made their product globalized. At the early age of its career it was more likely to USA oriented business strategy. With the progress of time they besome more globalized in order to capture the glabal market of bevarage. So that they are using the same packaging everywhere, using the same slogan and launching the same theme in the whole world. For that reason while there are many anti american countries are arised in the world bt the sales of coca cola has not dicreased.
2. Where Coca-Cola is vulnerable? What should they watch out for?
Answer : The definition of customer illustrated in group could be further subdivided into finer segments. Since different buyer segments tend to seek different benefits not only in terms of product features but also in terms of purchasing convenience product availability and servicing channel strategy must be responsive to heterogeneous demands.Coca-Cola is one