Workforce Diversity - Is Accommodating Workforce Diversity a Luxury or a Necessity?
Autor: jon • July 24, 2012 • Research Paper • 705 Words (3 Pages) • 2,459 Views
Workforce Diversity
Is accommodating workforce diversity a luxury or a necessity?
Accomodating workface is a necessity; not a luxury. Pace (2006) defines diversity as the "variety of different people, ideas, or things" (P. 210). In today's global economy, different people from all over the world often find themselves in the same office environment accomplishing the same mission. With that being said, every culture has different beliefs, morals, and business practices than others. It is important for each employee to learn how to work together efficiently to accomplish the mission. The internet makes it possible to communicate globally and thus increase the need for diversity. The world is a melting pot of all ethnicities working together. The ability to effectively communicate with people of different cultures and backgrounds is an essential skill in today's workplace environment. Employees learn these skills naturally in normal day-to-day interaction in a diverse work environment. Studies have shown that workplace discrimination is reduced due to interactions with diverse groups of people. Employees become more tolerant of each other and abandon their stereotypical notions when they share ideas, cultural traditions, and alternate ways of solving problems (Insight into, n.d.).
There are several benefits of employing a diverse workforce. Diversity actually strengthens a company by bringing people together with different experiences and skills. Everyone handles circumstances and situations differently; that is a key asset to any organization. Employing people with different backgrounds gives a company a variety of different points of view. Diversity is also used in marketing to bring in new customers. Gwendolyn Cuizon, a freelance writer, believes
That companies employing a diverse workforce would be in a better position to understand the demographics of the customers they serve much better making them better able to thrive in the marketplace than companies that hire only a limited group of employee demographics. Also, a company that supports diversity of workforce is better able to address employee satisfaction and retention issues (2009).
Employees may view certain accommodations that are given to culturally diverse employees as a luxury or unnecessary. The accommodations may range from cultural clothing that an employee wears to special holidays. Organizations have a responsibility to uphold the moral and legal responsibilities that are