Charles Darwin
Autor: jon • June 19, 2012 • Research Paper • 1,934 Words (8 Pages) • 1,922 Views
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin wanted people that were untrained in scientific investigations, like the theologians, and even strongly religious scientists to violently go against his theory of evolution (Hull 3). "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, or the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change" (Darwin). Darwin pretty much took life as a challenge and worked on difficult tasks. He had a thing of clearly depicting different thoughts and sights. Much of his discoveries were made when he went on his global expedition with the S.S Beagle. The discoveries challenged religion in all ways. When the philosophy of the science came into England, Darwin had both good success, and no success to begin his scientific career (Hull 3). The definition of evolution is a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in the other pre-existing types and that the distinguishable differences are caused by modifications in generations. Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the most important contribution to history, science, and the world.
Ever since Darwin proposed his theory, heated discussions were very popular. Hulls states, "The key world in this dispute and in the methodological objections raised to Darwin's theory was induction" (Hull 3). Everyone meant something different by the word induction. One is likely to find many other definitions of the word. Induction was originally used by Francis Bacon (1561-1626) to compare his unsuccessful "inductive method" with the Aristotelian "deductive method" (Hull 4). The most frequently used meaning of induction would be the initiation or cause of a change or process in developmental biology. Induction is a form oh reasoning that makes general guesses based on individual situations. Darwin was ready for the abuse with the content of his theory, especially its suggestions for man kind, was to obtain from certain quarters. Darwin, however, was not ready for the criticism which his methodology was to obtain from the highest respected philosophers and scientists of his day (Hull 6-7).
In the beginning of Darwin's life he greatly respected his own father. He was an outdoors man, and he later called himself as a born naturalist. He gardened, hunted, and also fished. (Evans 18). He often read the plays of Shakespeare when he was left alone after school. He did not do so well in elementary school, so he was sent directly to medical school. Darwin saw an operation and booked it out of the room, very quickly. He agreed to never be seen in an operating room again, and he left medical school. At the age of sixteen, he read his grandfather's book, Zoonomia. In the book Erasmus (Darwin's grandfather) came upon the subject of evolution. He later studied the change in animals as they grew from an embryo to an adult (Evans 20). Any ideas