College Worries
Autor: rita • February 6, 2014 • Essay • 1,090 Words (5 Pages) • 1,277 Views
College Worries
College students have many obstacles to overcome in order to achieve their optimal academic performance. They have worries about their career and their personal problems that affect their academic process. Also the huge worry is what I want to be, I know lots of friends who are worrying that they might change the major because it's too hard or GPA is not high enough. College worries affect students' academic progress. Getting along with roommate, Students fear of financial aid, and not getting good grades.
Getting along with a roommate is a huge worry for college students. My first roommate and I could not have been more different had some sort of incompatibility test matched us. To her, the floor was a substitute for a closest, studies were something to be ignored, and the only thing worth majoring in was boys, lots of them. Her music was louder; her taste in decorations was gaudy, and her interests far more rebellious than my own. I was shocked, overwhelmed. I wish I could report that we worked out a beautiful friendship but unfortunately we didn't. Equally convinced that the other was wrong, bull about everything, we barely tolerated each other until the end of the semester when I, with a sigh of relief, moved down the hall to live with someone who didn't challenge my values and activate my fears. With the hindsight of middle age, I now know that it was a loss for both of us. I wish we had the skills to grow with each other. In spite of the best efforts of college these days to match roommates by interests and habits, it is a better than even chance that roomies won't be instant friends. Even if both are non- smoking, beer loving, or TV- watching, it's amazing just how different people with the same external attributes can be. It requires tolerance, communication skills, and willingness, even an enthusiasm, to learn about another person to make these capricious roommate assignments begin to work. Even in the best of circumstance, it's a challenge. For some students, especially those who never before have had had to share a room or negotiate when the lights would go out. It's one of the most difficult adjustments that college life requires. Unless a person has had some practice by sharing a tent at camp, this is the first time they sustain tolerance for someone outside the family for any length of time. We will have lots of differences with roommate but in addition to the obvious disparities, there will be tons of little ways that this person will both fascinate and appall.
As preparations get underway for the school year at area colleges, some students are facing large obstacles about financial aid before they can begin their college. Some students are getting ready to go back to school in sometime, but that might not be the case for them anymore, as they say their financial aid hasn't come through yet, even though they submitted