Autor: eleanamh • October 26, 2016 • Annotated Bibliography • 1,390 Words (6 Pages) • 805 Views
Annotated Bibliography
Eleana Lovett
Eng. /280
Diane Duncan
Student Loan Resources: Financial Aid & Loan Debt Management. (n.d.). Retrieved October 17,
2016, from
This website focuses on the understanding of student loans, students and student debt. The website provides numerical numbers, as these numbers are perceived to be accurate and legitimate as the website ends with org. The website states that costs for a higher education is among the fastest rising costs in American culture. Since 1980, the tuition costs at U.S. colleges and universities have risen by 757 percent. In comparison, food and electricity costs have also risen about 150 percent over the same period of time. A college education is an important requirement for obtaining entry into many of the highest earning professions and jobs. How much a student should borrow, at what terms, and student loan repayment can have a serious impact on any budget, credit score and the ability to take out a car or mortgage loan in the future. College students rely on peers for advice on rules and responsibilities regarding student loans. As a result, many half-truths, misleading and misconcepted information is passed along the way.
By 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.
(n.d.). College Affordability and Completion: Ensuring a Pathway to Opportunity.
Retrieved October 17, 2016, from
This website focuses on providing information to create a clear path to the middle and
low class wage earners, ensuring that the nation’s economic prosperity means that we must open the doors of higher education to more Americans. The website informs readers that three quarters of the fastest growing occupations require education and training that exceeds a high school diploma. Tuition will continue to rise, making college out of reach for families who need additional education the most; like families with moderate to low income. Addressing the growing cost of college and college debt is paramount. Students need access to vastly more affordable and higher quality educational opportunities which should include college tuition free options. Graduating with high levels of debt is crippling borrowers from reaching their full potential. This is detrimental for students who never even receive a degree. The website provide its readers with relevant information based on percentages about students with certain income levels and their graduation rate. The website also provide quick links that re useful about how to find more information on student loan forgiveness; college accreditation; Every Student Succeeds Act; FERPA AND FASFA