Critically Evaluate the Possible Effects of the Phenomenon Known as Global Warming and Suggest Possible Responses to Them
Autor: jordan66666 • February 18, 2013 • Essay • 1,497 Words (6 Pages) • 2,956 Views
Critically evaluate the possible effects of the phenomenon known as global warming and suggest possible responses to them
Global warming is defined as the general increase in the world’s atmospheric temperature thought to be cause by both Human and physical factors. The potential effects of climate change poses threats to the economy, health, and communities in diverse ways; and scientist warn that if we do not aggressively curb climate change now, the results will be disastrous. Records show that temperatures throughout Human existence on earth have fluctuated greatly, from periods known as ice age to times known as “hot period” However, it is believed that the current “hot period” we live in today is being exaggerated by Humans by what is known as the “Enhanced greenhouse effects” Briefly; this is where Co2 and other global warming pollutants are collecting in the atmosphere of the Earth like a thickening blanket, trapping the suns heat (reflecting some of the long wave radiation reflected by the Earth’s surface back into the Earths atmosphere) and in turn causing the planet to warm up. This Essay will discuss the potential effects of the general rise in atmospheric temperatures and what has already been done as well as potential actions Humans could take to prevent the potential disastrous effects of global warming.
One of the most feared effects of global warming in which we are starting to see today is the general rise in sea levels due to the increase in temperatures which will and has started to cause the melting of the Ice caps in the North and South poles as well as the expansion of sea water due to the increase in temperature. This melting of the ice caps results in large amounts of water previously held in Ice to be released into the sea, in turn rising sea levels. Sea levels have been predicted to rise between 5 and 10cm per decade in the twenty first century. This rise will result in significant coastal flooding in low lying countries such as the Netherlands and Bangladesh as well as many pacific and Indian ocean islands. These rises in sea levels have the potential to significantly decrease the world population, by potentially covering large amounts of the world’s land (a 3metre rise in seas levels, will result in major cities such as Venice, San Francisco and LA being covered in sea water) In addition, with higher sea levels, storm surges will penetrate further inland, causing further damage to the already catastrophic effects caused by the higher sea levels. Not only this, but the cost of protecting these low lying countries with costal defences will be drastic, which will undoubtedly have significant impacts on the economy. This is because money being spent on coast defences rather than being spent on goods and services (apart from the builders of the defences) will result in a general decrease in aggregate demand and the potential effects of more drastic and