Global Warming
Autor: andy31621 • November 4, 2012 • Essay • 872 Words (4 Pages) • 1,474 Views
We have all seen the movies where the ice caps melt and flood our cities and cause catastrophic weather patterns across the globe. These are only movies for now but the possibilities and the problems are very real. Every year humans release more and more gases into the atmosphere, trapping the heat and little by little cause our planet to heat up. Our summers are getting hotter and our winters are getting shorter. This may not affect us today or even in 100 years but someday we could have a global problem if we don’t stop abusing the planet we take for granted every day.
What do I think about the articles ideas? The article “"Role of Humans in Global Warming" has some very important points and ideas about where we could be heading if we don’t change our ways. I think one of the biggest problems about global warming is that no one is really worried about it. Why should we be right? This isn’t going to happen in our lifetime most likely so we can keep doing what we want to do right? I suppose some people could think this is correct. Why Worry? Well if every generation thinks like this eventually it is going to be too late to save our planet and if we don’t have somewhere knew to go by then we could all be in a lot of trouble. Sure it’s not our problem now but it’s going to be our children’s problem or our grandchildren or whoever but eventually it will be a problem. It’s no secret around the world our ice is melting and our oceans are getting higher. According to the article Greenland’s ice sheet alone are contributing about 53 cubic miles of water to the Atlantic annually. Also by the year 2100 scientist predict the average surface air temperature of earth will rise from 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit to 8.1 degrees. I think we don’t realize what we are really causing because it hasn’t affected us that much YET. Our planet temperature is heating up and we are still cutting rainforests and other forests down all the time which means fewer trees to absorb the gases which leads to global warming happening even faster. As I said earlier, I believe that as humans we are going to have to take a good look at what is happening around us and figure out a better plan. Whether we start using alternate forms of energy or just cut down on the energy we are already using we need to do