Difference in Creative and Technical Writing
Autor: carloadug • September 5, 2017 • Essay • 449 Words (2 Pages) • 917 Views
Difference in creative and Technical Writing
Writing is a mode of communication which translates a certain idea into a visual medium. This uses signs, symbols or any version of an alphabet that is agreed upon by the society to make it understandable by a reader. Although writing can be categorized based on different aspects such as tone, purpose, style, theme, audience, organization etc, this paper will focus on two specific types of writing; these are creative and technical writing. Even though these two are used in expressing a certain idea, the choice in using the two still depend on the topic being addressed, purpose, the target audience, organization, and style.
The two types differ in where they are applicable and how this topic is addressed. Technical writing is more applicable for topics that are more objective or scientific in nature as compared to creative writing because of the way they are written. The professional feel of a technical paper adds emphasis and seriousness to the topic. There is a reason why a fable story on the causes of HIV starring a talking turtle might not be the best choice to address HIV awareness. Equally important, the way the subject is covered is a significant difference between the two modes of writing.
Technical writing is more focused, clear, and specific when communicating their point, additionally, it has an objective or thesis that it does not digress from while creative writing focuses on using an underlying theme or motif that is present in the whole text hidden in certain elements like figures of speech, poetry, symbolism, story etc. The organization is also a central difference between the technical and creative writing. Technical writing arranges the information in such a way that the text is logical and sequential while keeping the readers focused and interested in the topic while creative writing has a freer organization style which tries to make it as entertaining. Also, the word choice and tone of the writer is also different.