Happiness Case
Autor: andrey • May 17, 2014 • Essay • 480 Words (2 Pages) • 1,578 Views
Happiness is something we all desire, but not all of us can achieve. We can be happy in some different ways. What makes a person happy might not work as well for another one. Because we human beings varies our perspectives and insights towards happiness. The factors that can give us happiness are health, family, friends, money, and love.
I define happiness as a success. Success in career. Success in love. Success in family. And success in life. There are things in life that even the richest person in the world cannot buy and one of them is happiness. Happiness is something that is priceless. It is not about the material things that we or we may possess, but it is about LOVE from your family, from friends and special persons in your life. It is felt by the heart and in the depth of our emotion. It is something that is shared to and with others.
For me being happy is a choice. A choice of a wise man. And a choice of a satisfied man. Despite of all the struggles, challenges and trials in life we must be happy. Because I don't believe that perfection can cause happiness. In order for us to be happy we need to realize things through our mistakes. Mistakes that serves as our potential happiness builders. Just being alive and being surrounded with those whom I love, makes me happy every day. Those luxuries and stuffs are not important to me. All I need to be happy is GOD, my FAMILY and those significant persons in my life.
It seems to me that the purpose of our lives is to find those things that makes us happy, and then doing them. If there's a certain person in our lives that makes us happy, we need to find a way to spend more quality time with them. Because if you're not happy, you need to look at your life and think about why you aren't feeling that amazing thing you want to be feeling. If you know that, then it should be a short walk to being happy. If you can find something that