Learning Styles
Autor: Antonio • March 30, 2011 • Essay • 712 Words (3 Pages) • 2,398 Views
A crowded classroom, office, restaurant or simply surrounded by friends is where you would most likely find me. Very rarely will you find me isolated, alone or quiet. I am a people person, which is why my biggest learning style is people smart. I enjoy talking, sharing stories, experiences or teaching other people around me. I know I have a good judge of character when it comes to understanding different people. I tend to pick up on their different moods, desires, intentions and personality quicker than others. Being around people makes me happy; I am an outgoing person and thrive off the energy others give off. Falling into the people smart learning style was no shock to me. Even when I was a little girl, I would gather up the neighborhood kids and my younger siblings and plan activities for everyone. My favorite pastime was playing school. I would be the first to nominate myself to be the teacher and the other kids didn't seem to mind. I loved being in front of the other kids. I felt empowered being able to teach them new things or read deeper into their personalities. Even when I had my own children, this didn't stop me. I loved to play school with them too. Standing in front of my make shift classroom, I would share stories, based on facts or simply made up, just too see the intrigued looks on their faces. The more I did this the more I learned about each kid and their likes and dislikes. I felt as if I was getting into their minds and compiling all this information about them, without them even having to say a word.
I don't consider myself a follower or a leader, but more of someone who likes to keep the pace with the others around me. I have always been more of a group activities person. When I have work to complete, I would much rather invite others to join in rather than doing it myself. Even if their help is not needed, I would much rather get them involved than do it alone. I absorb the content much easier when I am getting to