Reading or Watching
Autor: viki • October 12, 2013 • Essay • 494 Words (2 Pages) • 1,187 Views
*Reading or watching*
Hastly tempo of life sometimes people induce on wrong choice.With development of technology books slightly fall's in oblivion. People are turning to things that will deprive them less time and therefore their choice is more likely to watch than read. But everything is a matter of personal choice of each individual. Reading and watching both have advantages which this essay will analyze.
No person in this world cannot experience the book in the same way that is read. After reading a book, each person gets their own opinion. Probably it is impossible that two people that read the same book drew the same lesson. Many people from any good works of a famous writer had learned its lesson to guide them through life. Having learned from the experiences of the characters from the books, in life people easier realize are they doing it on a wrong or in a good way.
In everyday conversation people use simple and understandable words. People say that a man is rich for how much books he is read. Often during the reading of books people find the words they do not understand. It forces them to look in the dictionary and understand its true meaning. From all this it is logical that reading of a large number of books enriches our vocabulary.
Each book in its own way has its value. Was it written by a famous or a completely anonymous writer of the book is still unique. Some books written a hundred years ago and more are still among the world's most widely read. This is another proof of their uniqueness. Two writers can get the same idea for the book but they will still handle it on their own way.
In this busy world people just do not have enough free time. Although the reading of book represents a greater pleasure in most cases the decision will be a movie. Although the screenplay for the film was written according to a book we experience action faster