The Lottery Vs the Destructors
Autor: Ash728 • October 8, 2017 • Essay • 1,381 Words (6 Pages) • 1,143 Views
The Lottery and the Destructors
Asha Varghese
September 15, 2017
Eng. 102
Prof. Givens
Thesis and Outline
Thesis: Comparison of the two stories to the stories in the Bible shows us how there are similar in some ways but have many differences. Comparison of the Lottery and the Destructors shows how the two different stories are similar and different from each other.
- Showing how it similar the bible
- The murder of Tessie is very much like the stoning of Stephen and the killing of Paul.
- The boys are like the twelve apostles in the bible changing the world.
- Characters
- Tessie was a selfish person she was willing to sacrifice anyone else besides herself.
- Trevor was selfish in the story all he could think was himself
- Conflict
- The lottery itself was the conflict townspeople have tension because of the lottery.
- The leadership between the two boys Blackie and Trevor.
In the Lottery, we see the villagers murdering someone because of long standing tradition. In the Destructors, we see a group of boys destroying an old man’s house as a prank.
The Lottery and the Destructors are short stories which are different in some ways and similar in other ways. Both stories have an unexpected climax that are unpredictable. The Lottery and the destructors have some similar plots to stories in the Bible. Tessie from the Lottery and Trevor from the Destructors portray selfish personalities. The lottery, on one hand, is mainly about who gets picked to be stoned and the destructors, on the other hand, are a group of kids plotting to destroy an old man house. In the destructors, they also have conflict in leadership. The Lottery is similar to the story in the bible from Acts chapter 8 of Stephen getting stoned. On the contrary, the gang members in the destructors and the disciples of Jesus are similar in number but the gang members are a bad influence whereas the disciples are a good influence. Comparison of the two stories to the stories in the Bible shows us how there are similar in some ways but have many differences. Comparison of the Lottery and the Destructors also shows how the two different stories are similar and different from each other.
In the Lottery, we see how the villagers stoned Tessie similar to how Stephen was stoned by the Israelites in the Bible. The stoning of Stephen in the bible was the same concept they used in the Lottery for the stoning of Tessie in the Lottery. In contrast, the reason for the Israelites stoning Stephen was because he was spreading the word of God. On the other hand, in the Lottery the reason for the villagers stoning Tessie was because she picked the piece of paper with a black dot on it not because she did anything wrong. We also see some similarities between the characters in the Destructors and the disciples in the Bible. The characters in the Destructors are similar in number to the disciples of Jesus in the bible being twelve in number. They are also similar in working as a group to accomplish a common goal. On the contrary, the characters in the Destructors are different from the disciples of Jesus in the Bible in terms of doing bad deeds versus good. In the Destructors, The boys are working towards destroying an old man house whereas the disciples in the Bible are working towards spreading the word of Jesus. The boys in the destructors started a revolution through their bad behavior similar to the disciples starting a revolution by spreading the word of Jesus. The Bible shows us that the disciples were committed to Jesus when they left everything and started a revolution with his message. In the Destructors, the boys stared a bad revolution with their bad behaviors and by destroying the house.