E-Business Analysis
Autor: lwillis • February 19, 2012 • Case Study • 587 Words (3 Pages) • 1,561 Views
The articles that will be analyzed are Does e-government measure up to be e-business? Comparing end user perceptions of U.S. Federal government and e-business web-sites (Morgeson, 2009) and Advances in digital government: Technology, human factors and policy (McIver, 2002). The articles will discuss negotiation situations and how they will affect people globally. Each article will discuss ways the government can come up with ways to negotiate to better become available to people through the web by making important information available. There are many advantages of the Internet and the government, having accessibility, and having a presence on the web. Implementing good practices to make good on negotiations are priority. Negotiations strategies in each article differ, but each article discovers how each negation process responds to society through technology.
Many factors contribute to enforcement of technology and government building of e-government. “policy ambiguity, transparency requirements, customer diversity, and time constraints can contribute to decision making differences between government and commercial organizations and this will affect information management and communication policies” (Morgeson, 2009). E-government is defined as “the application of any new information technology to government service delivery, but which is defined more narrowly as the government’s use of web-sites to interact with and deliver services to citizens” (Morgeson, 2009). The first article specifies goals that are set out due to the rapid change with the Internet use and forming an e-government. Providing quality service, being cost efficient, and overcoming challenges are the priority of the negotiation process of the first article. The article shows the government can be successful in global expansion to an e-government website and receive higher ratings than previous years by expanding globally.
The second article Advances in digital government offers similar services. There is access to the