Irish Cinema
Autor: Antonio • August 8, 2012 • Essay • 423 Words (2 Pages) • 1,445 Views
Rule Utilitarian: You must follow a set of rules, rule of thumb, that in the long run will maximize utility.
Deontology: Theories of duty
Kant: We should make moral decision based on the categorical imperatives.
His first CI says that in any situation, we should act according to principle which we could consistently translate into a moral law for all rational agents;
Behave only as you would want other to behave too
Critisicm: It does not take into consideration the consequences which can be negative at times.
Second CI is that you should always at in a way that you are treating human beings as ends rather than the means ⇒ You have to respect them and not use them to manipulate others in order to get the things that we want.
Second Deontology theory: Ross
We have prima facie obligations, which we must follow. Ross identified seven duties: Reparation, reciprocity, fidelity, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice and self-improvement.
He believes that during a course of action we may face more than one apparent obligation, where there by we have to examine the circumstance ⇒ We must make an all things considered judgement.
Strength: It prohibits absolutely certain kinds of apparent injustices.
Weakness: Lack of decision procedure or formula for resolving conflict between various duties ⇒ Should we lie even though it would be better to keep it to yourself.
Social Contract or Contractarianism:
Corporations and Moral Responsibility:
Characteristics of moral agents:
1) Moral