An Analysis of the Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain
Autor: HWNeeded • October 22, 2015 • Essay • 3,272 Words (14 Pages) • 1,188 Views
An Analysis of the Fruits and Vegetables Supply Chain
Fruits and vegetables provides your body with the essential vitamins and minerals that is needed to maintain your health.
It is no surprise these days that people are trying to live a healthier life. In order to do so one has to alter their diet and add fruits and vegetables. It takes time but the effort is worth it. We are learning every day that having fruits and vegetables in your diet can help guard against diseases and some types of cancer. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is doing their part to inform everyone about the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. Their website is chock full of information that every family can use to their benefit.
Fruits and vegetables also provides your body with fruits and minerals. When you eat a variety of fruits and vegetables it helps you control your blood pressure and even weight loss. The daily recommended intake of fruits and vegetables is 4.5 cups. In addition to eating healthy physical activities should also be included such as biking, walking, and swimming and exercising.
More and more workplaces are jumping on the band wagon to implement some form of wellness program with a variety of activities for employees to have an opportunity in having good health. Some have built gyms and allow employees time during the day to work out, others have workout hours where groups of employees can participate at a time.
There are definitely important benefits in incorporating healthy eating habits and exercise in our lives. Everyday lives are cut short because we fail to feed and treat our bodies’ right. But simple and small changes with diet and exercise implemented over time can add years to our lives.
Agriculture is one of the major industries in the US. Although most states have some form of agriculture such as oranges in Florida, peaches in Georgia and grapes in California the more concentrated area of agricultural can be found in the Great Plains. In 2010, $115 billion worth of agriculture was exported around the world. We import less than what we sell which gives the United States balance in the agriculture trade. Our farm and ranch families make up 2% of the US population. Approximately 31% of our farmers’ income come from the goods they export, one out of three of the farms in the US plants their crops for export. Farms employ roughly 21 million Americans which is around 15 % of the United States workforce. 97 % of the farms are owned and operated by families. Only 16 cents of the dollar is returned to the owners the rest is use to continue to support the farm for upkeep, wages, machinery, transportation, marketing and so forth. It is important for our farms to be successful because they are necessary to sustaining and nourishing our families.