Article Critique Self-Estimation of Body Fat Is More Accurate in College-Age Males Compared to Females
Autor: maggied • February 9, 2016 • Article Review • 615 Words (3 Pages) • 995 Views
Hancock, H. L., Jung, A. P., & Petrella, J. K. (2012). Self-estimation of Body Fat is More Accurate in College-age Males Compared to Females. International Journal Of Exercise Science, 5(1), 72-78.
In the article, “Self-estimation of Body Fat is More Accurate in College-age Males Compared to Females,” a study was conducted to find out if whether the gender of a person mattered when it comes to estimating their own body fat percentage. Each and every participant, ages 19-23, estimated their body Fat percentage before having their body composition accurately measured. After the research was completed, the results showed that males understood more of what body fat percentage actually is. Although both the males and females underestimated their body fat percentage, there was a larger gap in the difference between what the females had estimated and their actual scores.
My reaction to this research article was that I was not too surprised. If I was not studying physical health, then I myself would underestimate my body fat as well. Women generally perceive themselves as being fat or overweight. They are always finding new ways to lose weight to feel better about themselves. So this may have been the reason that they have estimate their body fat percentage lower than it realistically was. Maybe this was to higher their self-esteem. Men on the other hand probably were just more educated on what a body fat percentage was and therefore they estimated more correctly.
Being educated on what is a healthy body fat percentage for both men and women can be related to what was learned in the classroom. Body fat percentage, is a more accurate way to know how much fat and how much lean mass on has in their body. Unlike body mass index, which takes only the height and weight of a person, body fat percentage tells an individual is he or she has an unhealthy amount of fat in his or her body. It can help one determine whether they are at risk for diabetes, high-blood pressure or other heart problems.