Sci 220 - Body Fat and Eating Disorders
Autor: bethanywilhelm • December 6, 2016 • Essay • 1,248 Words (5 Pages) • 1,475 Views
Body Fat and Eating Disorders
Bethany Wilhelm
November 21, 2016
Cynthia Clausen
Body Fat and Eating Disorders
Obesity in America is a growing problem, with various influences to this epidemic. Each passing year, there are more and more people struggling with excess body fat, body image issues, and eating disorders in an unhealthy attempt to solve it. There are numerous risks associated with excess body fat, but there are also many techniques and strategies for losing weight. Health of the body and mind are incredibly important, and understanding these risks and solutions may be key to bettering the lives of people who struggle with these things all over the country.
Risks Associated with Excess Body Fat
When the body is carrying excess body fat, there are many risks to the overall health of the individual These risks include: “arthritis, gallstones, heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, or fragile bones, sleep apnea, and type 2 diabetes” (CITE). Additionally, there is now research that suggests that not only do the risks listed above pose a higher threat to the body when excess body fat exists, but excessive body fat can also lead to higher risks of cancers, such as colon or breast cancer.
Influences of the Obesity Epidemic
There are many reasons why obesity has become the problem it is in America. There are numerous factors that are contributors on varying levels. A few of these include genetics, individual responsibility, environmental factors, medical conditions, stress, or any number of race, age, gender, income level, or socio-demographic issues. There are so many different things that can influence different kinds of people, at different points in their lives, that pin pointing just one, for even five, of these issues is essentially impossible. They all play their role, and they all have an effect. Those that are low income, or those that are food insecure, do have a higher risk, and do face more challenges than other groups – but everyone faces their own body struggles, aside from these issues. The importance here is to acknowledge the problems, and find way to solve them.
Strategies for Weight Loss
When it comes to losing weight, there is never a quick, easy, or effortless method to get rid of excess body fat. If you want to lose weight in a healthy, long term way, it is going to take work. The time-tested best strategy is to control your food intake (paying attention to nutrition and calories), and to increase physical activity. The first step is to make a commitment. Make it achievable – don’t set some lofty goal that is unattainable, leaving you feeling like a failure and worse off than before. Stay committed, and stay focused on your goals. The changes made to better your health are going to be permanent ones, so make sure you’re able to live with them. A key note to make here, is that while these changes are great, other stresses in your personal life, be it financial, relational, etc., need to be dealt with as well. Stress is not going to help you lose weight. So work to manage stress levels to give yourself more room for success. Another piece to this strategy is motivation. There is no one that can force you to go down the road of losing weight, no one that can make you begin this life-altering journey. There needs to be some kind of inner motivation to keep you going, even on days that you just want to stop and give up. Find a support group. People that will help keep you going, offer a listening ear or helping hand, help keep you accountable, and to help you stay on track. When you set goals for yourself, not only should they be reasonable, but they should also be recorded, as well as celebrated when achieved. Each time a goal is met, set another one. Take it one step at a time. Think about both the process of how to get there, as well as what the outcome of the goal is.