Compare Art
Autor: Adul1391 • September 11, 2013 • Essay • 405 Words (2 Pages) • 1,078 Views
On September 5th we visited the faculty art show at the gallery in the art building and choose an art work to write about. Then we choose another art work to compare and contrast with our original piece.
The artwork I chose was created by Allen Bentley and is called “Capture”. The materials used were oil paint on canvas. The subject matter of the artwork is a man and a woman dancing together in what looks to be a ballroom.
At the art show this particular piece of art caught my eye. I think that the magnitude and the color scheme was the most appealing to me. Also it was a little more intimate to me, than the other pieces on display. It reminds me of a ballroom in the 20th century. It invokes freedom to me because the lady’s facial expression and body language, specifically the motion her hand and finger are making. The painting incorporates many shades of red and green. The form the lady in the painting made me look twice because she was in great detail. The shading that the artist did caught my attention.
The second artwork I choose was called “son and father, #6”, and was created by Zdeno Mayercak. The artwork was made from plaster, burlap, Styrofoam, and metal armature; pigments, shellac and wax patina. The artworks I choose compare and contrast in many ways. They are not similar in almost every way, besides being forms art. They do have many differences, first, one is a panting and one is a sculpture. Second the painting shows freedom and motion, while the sculpture shows a more dismal and discouraging appearance. The color schemes are also different; the painting uses many shades of red and green, while the sculpture uses yellows and tones in relation to human skin color. The sculpture made by Zdeno Mayercak, had the “son”, sitting with his head down, as if he had lost all hope, on top of his father’s giant foot. I think this sculpture is symbolism for how a son feels when he has to live up to his father’s reputation