Computer Related Mathematics
Autor: Tsotso Machobane Jr. • March 26, 2015 • Coursework • 1,053 Words (5 Pages) • 886 Views
This is a placed bar chart in a line from top to bottom reflecting does not show processing overtime. Made of parts, having the headings that shows what is contained in the histogram. Here the x-axis lights up the numbers in the recordings and the y-axis lights up the number of times of the values. The bars always have the height and the width reflecting the long the bar has covered and the height meaning the number of times to the recordings .here the is also the legend which shows how data can be retrieved.
This is a tool used to show to number of something that has been studied. Since it’s divided therefore there are areas that are represented in this pie chart. The information is shown in one way form as in like one point at the time they are not the same to line charts for its information is shown one at short they determine proportions where all the sum of the studied matter is brought together. Then after calculating the sum then the degrees is calculated which leads to the division of the circle with a tittle.
These are the most used chart type tool in the category of charts because of its simplicity. They join information number that stand for their own the outcomes are always simple quite very easy to translate what the chart is reflecting since a line is used. Its most common use is to show the differences between theses years. This is obtained by joining the line graph with the bar chats these two are combined in order to show the statements for further investigations. In line charts maybe if the area studied is about a certain village the area under the lines should be shaded.
HISTOGRAM -can be applied in concluding large data tables where the information retrieved is applied on all files therefore a histogram can be applied. This breaks solutions so that they are not be complex anymore.
-can be applied communication areas example like in business organization where it can be used to elaborate the data to the members of the business in a way that they will all be capable of grapping the can be applied as a decision making tool comparing the outcomes with stating their origins.
They are best applied when reflecting proportions.
- This can apply in business also as they can show the total percent of budget which was used by different institutions.
- Pie charts also can be applied when showing the outcomes of certain research. This chart will elaborate in a simple manner which the information will be easily retrieved.
-showing maybe how a certain group of people spend their free time from work.
-Evaluating, giving a report about a certain survey which the information will be simplified and made clear. Software developers and research.