Core Competency of the Organization
Autor: Mehwish • February 25, 2012 • Case Study • 659 Words (3 Pages) • 1,890 Views
Core competency of the organization
Date for Final Report Submission: 20th April 2012
Marks Allocated: 20 ( project + poster+ presentation)
Report Instructions
1. A Cover page (student name, roll no, instructor name, date)
2. Acknowledgement
3. Table of contents
4. Four member REPORT
5. Report should be neatly typed( font type times new roman, font size 12, justified, headings, bullets, header & footer)
6. Marks will be DEDUCTED for not submitting in the format prescribed
7. Any plagiarism/ copying/ cheating of the report will result in ZERO MARKS.
8. Reports will NOT be accepted after 20th April UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
• Assuming that you are a marketing manager of a local product/ service. Your goal is to use your budding marketing skills to redesign the brand for a major re-launch. Study the brand in detail and make a marketing plan enlisting the various details as given below This report is divided into two halves. The first half includes studying the current position of the product/service. The second half suggests your modifications for redesigning the brand for a re-launch Write a:
I. Mission Statement.
II. Executive Summary
III. Situation Analysis
a. Internal environment
i. Organization background
ii. Products
iii. Financial and non-financial results
iv. Channels ( suppliers, marketing intermediaries)
b. External environment
i. Markets
ii. Competitive environment
iii. Economic environment
iv. Demographic environment
v. Social and cultural environment
vi. Political and legal environment
vii. Technological environment
SWOT analysis
• Strengths
• Weaknesses