Domestic Abuse
Autor: Jbakes117 • May 15, 2016 • Essay • 1,117 Words (5 Pages) • 800 Views
Domestic Abuse
Joshua Baker
As a father pulls up in his car you see a beautiful house. The background is cloudy and it looks like it’s starting to become night outside. His son is outside waiting for him. The mood of the two is of joy and excitement as the boy runs up to great his father. The father picks the boy up and carries him into the house. The son and father seem normal and happy together.
Now we go into the house where you have the father and son sitting at the dining table. Everything seems calm. The mother is in the kitchen finishing dinner. As the mother is walking in the father asks his son if he has been a good boy for mommy. The boy replies yes daddy. Everything seems calm at this point. Everyone is happy and calm. The mother then chimes in and asks how the father’s rotary club meeting went. The father replies fine. At this moment the atmosphere and expressions on their faces change. The expression on the dads face is of him being annoyed by the mothers question and the mother and sons expression turned to fear and sadness. There was a brief pause and then the father cuts up his food and puts it in his mouth. He chews it then spits it out. He then says its cold and tasteless then he slams his silverware down. His face is beat red and a look of anger is all across it.
As the father is being angry, you see a flash back. The flash back is the father as a little boy. You see the father standing in the hallway with tears rolling down his face. The father’s dad is beating the father’s mother. As the father’s dad is beating his mother he is saying the dog eats better than this. The mood is scary and you can see the sadness in the father’s eyes while he is watching his father beating his mother. The whole scene is dark and the rooms are small. The family looks poorer back then then what the father has now.
The flash back ends and we are back and we are back looking at the father. The father then slams his fists and yells the dog eats better than this. He repeats the same words his father said while his dad beat his mother. This is the moment when the pathos picks up. All the fear the sadness and anger is in these moments. The father gets up out of his chair and yells at the mother to get up out of the chair. She cowers and he grabs her up. He then pulls her right into the hallway. He then starts beating her and yelling while the son is sitting in the dining room crying. Other than the tears from the son its mostly a blank expression on his face just like his father’s when he was witnessing his own mother being beat by his father. Another flash back pops up and the father’s dad is yelling at his mother, while she’s in the fetal position, saying I thought I told you to clean up this mess, you’re useless. As the flash back ends the son is standing there with tears down his face, words pop up on the screen stating what’s on the outside isn’t always on the inside.