Eth 321 - Ethics and Torts
Autor: Teresa Carter • May 17, 2017 • Essay • 859 Words (4 Pages) • 752 Views
Torts and Ethics
Teresa Carter
Beverly Spencer
Torts and Ethics
In my paper, I will be discussing a situation that happened at an apartment complex. That involves an intruder that attacked a tenant and an employee of the complex inside the home of Sharon. As the landlord of the apartment complex I am legally and responsible for the tenants and the employees. And as the landlord it is my duty to keep with all situations that occurs on the premises. So, in my paper I will discuss how I will tighten security measures for the safety of the tenants and employees. Since it is my responsibility to provide a safe environment for my tenants as well as it employees.
Is the Intruder Liable?
When the intruder cause damaged to the property and harm Sharon and Darryl is he liable? Yes, he is because he did have permission to enter or be on the premises, which means he was trespassing which falls under intentional torts. “Conduct that causes physical harm and property damage” (Zipursky, B.C, 2010). Even though the intruder did not intend to hurt Darryl or Sharon but he did. So, looking at this situation they can file a civil suit against the intruder for trespassing and assault and battery because he entered the dwelling of Sharon without her permission which in fact can be proven in the court of law. The injuries that Darryl and Sharon sustained may have never happened if the intruder was never on or in the premises.
Legal Responsibility
As the landlord, I think the only responsibility that I should have is to the employee because he got involved in a situation while on duty and was injured. I should be responsible for paying him workman compensation. And I should be responsible for fixing the damage to the property. Since the intruder was not invited unto the premises I should not be held responsible for paying Sharon’s medical bills. Due, to the fact that I had no prior knowledge that an intruder was going to commit such vicious acts. Therefor if Sharon and Darryl try suing in civil court I will defend myself by stating the fact that I had no firsthand knowledge of any activity occurring at the apartment complex and harm would come from it.